Source code for m2x.v2.streams

from m2x.v2.resource import Resource

[docs]class Stream(Resource): """ Methods for interacting AT&T M2X Device Streams """ ITEM_PATH = 'devices/{device_id}/streams/{name}' COLLECTION_PATH = 'devices/{device_id}/streams' ITEMS_KEY = 'streams' ID_KEY = 'name' def __init__(self, api, device, **data): self.device = device super(Stream, self).__init__(api, **data)
[docs] def update(self, **attrs): """ Method for `Update Data Stream <>`_ endpoint. :param attrs: Query parameters passed as keyword arguments. View M2X API Docs for listing of available parameters. :return: The Stream being updated :rtype: Stream :raises: :class:`~requests.exceptions.HTTPError` if an error occurs when sending the HTTP request """, self.device,, **attrs)) return
[docs] def remove(self): """ Method for `Delete Data Stream <>`_ endpoint. :return: The API response, see M2X API docs for details :rtype: dict :raises: :class:`~requests.exceptions.HTTPError` if an error occurs when sending the HTTP request """ return self.api.delete(self.subpath(""))
[docs] def values(self, **params): """ Method for `List Data Stream Values <>`_ endpoint. :param params: Query parameters passed as keyword arguments. View M2X API Docs for listing of available parameters. :return: The API response, see M2X API docs for details :rtype: dict :raises: :class:`~requests.exceptions.HTTPError` if an error occurs when sending the HTTP request """ return self.api.get(self.subpath('/values'), params=params)
[docs] def sampling(self, interval, **params): """ Method for `Data Stream Sampling <>`_ endpoint. :param interval: the sampling interval, see API docs for supported interval types :param params: Query parameters passed as keyword arguments. View M2X API Docs for listing of available parameters. :return: The API response, see M2X API docs for details :rtype: dict :raises: :class:`~requests.exceptions.HTTPError` if an error occurs when sending the HTTP request """ params['interval'] = interval return self.api.get(self.subpath('/sampling'), params=params)
[docs] def stats(self, **attrs): """ Method for `Data Stream Stats <>`_ endpoint. :param attrs: Query parameters passed as keyword arguments. View M2X API Docs for listing of available parameters. :return: The API response, see M2X API docs for details :rtype: dict :raises: :class:`~requests.exceptions.HTTPError` if an error occurs when sending the HTTP request """ return self.api.get(self.subpath('/stats'), data=attrs)
[docs] def add_value(self, value, timestamp=None): """ Method for `Update Data Stream Value <>`_ endpoint. :param value: The updated stream value :param timestamp: The (optional) timestamp for the upadted value :return: The API response, see M2X API docs for details :rtype: dict :raises: :class:`~requests.exceptions.HTTPError` if an error occurs when sending the HTTP request """ data = {'value': value} if timestamp: data['timestamp'] = timestamp return self.api.put(self.subpath('/value'), data=data)
update_value = add_value
[docs] def post_values(self, values): """ Method for `Post Data Stream Values <>`_ endpoint. :param values: Values to post, see M2X API docs for details :type values: dict :return: The API response, see M2X API docs for details :rtype: dict :raises: :class:`~requests.exceptions.HTTPError` if an error occurs when sending the HTTP request """ return'/values'), data={ 'values': values })
[docs] def delete_values(self, start, stop): """ Method for `Delete Data Stream Values <>`_ endpoint. :param start: ISO8601 timestamp for starting timerange for values to be deleted :param stop: ISO8601 timestamp for ending timerange for values to be deleted :return: The API response, see M2X API docs for details :rtype: dict :raises: :class:`~requests.exceptions.HTTPError` if an error occurs when sending the HTTP request """ return self.api.delete(self.subpath('/values'), data=self.to_server({ 'from': start, 'end': stop }))
def subpath(self, path): return self.item_path(, + path @classmethod def list(cls, api, device, **params): # Search parameters: query, tags, page, limit path = cls.collection_path( return super(cls, cls).list(api, path=path, itemize_options={ 'device': device }, **params) @classmethod def create(cls, api, device, name, **attrs): response = cls.item_update(api, device, name, **attrs) return cls.item(api, response, device=device) @classmethod def get(cls, api, device, id, **params): path = cls.item_path(id, return super(cls, cls).get(api, id, path=path, itemize_options={ 'device': device }, **params) fetch = get @classmethod def item_update(cls, api, device, id, **params): path = cls.item_path(id, return super(cls, cls).item_update(api, id, path=path, **params)